Artist In Residence Program
Highlighting Northern BC's Talent
Annerose Georgeson
February 2024
Links: N/A
Annerose likes to pain with oil and draw with mixed media. These days, she's painting and drawing the forest. She was born in Switzerland, came to Canada with her family when she was three, and still lives on the same piece of land where she grew up, near Vanderhoof in the Central Interior of British Columbia, Canada.
Corey Hardeman
February 2024
Links: N/A
Corey Hardeman has spent most of her life searching for ways to make a living gazing into tidal pools and forest canopies. For several years she lived off-grid in a hand built yurt, and made paintings in the brief intervals between tending to her four young children. Now that her children are larger and she’s traded her tent in the forest for solid walls, she paints all day and often marvels at the luxury of hot and cold running water.
Artists Statement:
Corey Hardeman and Annerose Georgeson chose to do a joint residency. They wanted to paint together with a view to a symbiotic practice — to discover how painting in one another’s company informs each painter’s work. They were both interested in the landscape of the northern bush that surrounded them, they both had an intimate relationship with the forest, and they hoped to explore that relationship through drawing and painting together.